
发布时间:2018-01-29 来源:语贤翻译


会计法 accounting law

税法 tax law; taxation law

反不正当竞争法 anti-unfair competition law

消费者权益保护法 consumer’s interest protection law

产品责任法 production liability law

消费者权益法 consumer rights and interests law

发起人 floater; initiator

公司名称 name of company

公司住址 domicile of company

出资 contribution; capital subscription

现金出资 investment in cash

实物出资 investment in kind

工业产权出资 investment in industrial property right

非专有技术出资 investment in non-patent technology

劳务出资 investment in labor

高新技术成果出资 investment in hi-tech achievements

注册资本 registered capital

实缴资本 paid-in capital

验资报告 capital verification report

会计师事务所 certified public accountants

注册会计师 certified public accountant

资本三原则 three doctrine of capital

资本确定原则 doctrine of capital determination

资本维持原则 doctrine of capital maintenance

资本不变原则 doctrine of unchanging capital

最低资本额制度 minimum capital system

公司章程 articles of association; articles of incorporation; bylaw

公司登记 incorporation; corporate registration

公司存续 existence of company

公司合并分立 merger and split of company

公司并购 corporate merger and acquisition

公司管理 corporate governance; company management

公司法律顾问 corporate counsel

公司整顿 company rectification

公司歇业 closure of business

公司和解 company composition

公司解散 company dissolution

公司清算 company liquidation

公司清理 company winding-up

竞业禁止 non-commpete; competition prohibition

招股章程 prospectus

股本 stock capital

股东 shareholder

股东大会 shareholders’ meeting

股东大会决议 resolution of shareholders’ meeting

股东大会议事规则 rule of procedure of shareholders’ meeting

表决权 voting right; right to vote

董事 director

董事长 president/chairman of the board

首席执行官 chief executive officer(CEO)

首席运营官 chief operation officer(COO)

执行董事 executive director

常务董事 managing director

董事会 board of directors

经理独立负责制 manager independent responsibility system

监事 supervisor

监事会 board of supervisors

股 share; stock

普通股 common stock

特别股 special stock

资格股 qualification stock

优先股 preferred stock

劣后股 inferior stock

表决权股 stock with voting power

溢价股 premium stock

折价股 converting stock

国家股 state-owned share

集体股 collective share

法人股 corporate share

企业股 enterprise share

个人股 individual share

股息 dividend

红股 bonus stock; dividend stock

法定公积金 legal accumulation fund

资本公积金 capital accumulation fund

盈余公积金 surplus accumulation fund

任意公积金 optional accumulation fund


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