(1) 药剂专用词(Medicine terms)
浸膏 extractum
气雾剂 aerosolum
胶囊剂 capsulae
乳剂 cremer
注射剂 intejectio
滴剂 guttae
冲刺 granula; syrup; medicine to be taken after being mixed with boiling water
溶剂 liquor
丸剂 pills; tablets;Bolus; pilulae
片剂 tabellae
膏药 plaster; ointment
汤(药)decoction;compound; combination; tonic
汤剂 herb(al) soup;medicinal broth; decoction
偏方 folk prescription; traditional popular prescription
秘方 home prescription; home therapy
(2) 茶、酒(Drinks, tonic) (中文为茶,但有时与荼毫无相关,应译为drink为妥) 如:
长寿长乐补酒 Happy Longevity Tonic
龟寿酒 Tortoise longevity Tonic
药酒 medicated wine
花旗参速溶茶Ginseng instant tea
大宁富豪茶 Daning Deluxe Drink
蚁宝茶(Instant) Ant Essence Drink
(广式)凉茶 herbal tea; medicinal tea
现在时兴减肥茶(diet/slimming tea),还有各种各样的保健茶 (tonic tea),如草药茶(herbal tea),药茶(medicinal tea)和美容茶 (cosmetic tea)。
(3) 素、精[Tonic,potion,extract(s), spirits, or basic elements]
乌鸡精 Black-Bone Chicken Tonic
鳖精 Turtle Potions
花旗参精 Ginseng extract
蜂王精 Roy Extracts (mainly for Babies)
花旗参花粉蜂王浆Ginseng royal jelly with bee pollen
蜂王浆 Spirits of Honey
青蒿素(注射剂)Qinghaosu Intejectio
(4) 冲剂、汤、水、液或露(Granule or powder preparation dissolvable in water)。可译为 drink, syrup, tonic, oral solution or decoction,如:
扬子江冲剂 Yangtze Drink
板兰根冲剂 Banlangen Drink (lsatidis tinctoria)
神奇止咳露 Shenqi Cough Syrup
芬格欣 FE—功能口服液 FE Functional Oral Tonic
美国洋参口服液 American Ginseng Oral Solution
美媛春Mei-Yuan-Chun Solution (水剂,中美合资江西普乐康保健品有限公司)
五仁露 Five Seeds Syrup
黄岑汤 Radix Scutellariate Decoction
藿香正气水 Herbal Agastachis Syrup
(5) 洗剂、搽剂 (Lotion; liquid) (主要是外用)
膏药 plaster
防晒油 Sunlotion
防蚊油 Mosquito Repellent Lotion
脚癣一次净 Instant Tinea Cleaning Lotion
(6) 中药音译(Transliterated terms of TCM)
蛇胆川贝枇杷膏 Shedan chuanbeipipagao (广州潘高寿药厂生产)
益肝灵Yiganling Tablets (北京第四制药厂生产)
逍遥散 Xiaoyao Powder
二陈汤 Erchen Decoction
(7) 中药音意混译(A combined way of translating traditional Chinese medicines)
贵州神奇(药)Guizhou Wonder Drugs
中国药膳 Chinese herbal cuisine; medicinal food
药鸡 medicinal (herbal) chicken (乌骨鸡 black-bone chicken)
(8) 直译(Word-for-word translalion)。有的方剂是以喻义来命名的,要按其药理构成起名,还得另起炉灶。到目前为止,还都是采用字面上的含义来译,尚无更好做法。
玉屏散(或玉屏风散)Jade Screen Powder
小青龙散 Small Blue Dragon Powder
小青龙游 Small Blue Dragun Decoction
白虎汤 White Tiger Decoction
(9) 中医药其他译法(Other ways of translation)。利用中草药制成各种各样的剂型药物,早已流通于市,并广为应用,究竟它是西药还是中药,还是现代化了的中药呢?这里我们不加考究。但可以找到让中药为世界所运用和接受的译法。如以方剂原载典籍加所含的主要药名来命名茯蒂丸(Pill of Poria Coccus)。
① 以所含的主要药加上功能来命名
当归补血汤 Decoction of Angelicae Sinensis for Enriching Blood
黄连解毒汤 Decoction of Coptidis for Detoxification
复方甘草片 Tabellae Glycyrrhizae Compositae
麻黄汤 Decoction of Ephedrae
牡蛎散 Concha Ostreae Powder
益母浸膏 Extractum Leonuri
丹参注射液 Intejectio Salviae Miltiorrhizae
汉防巳甲素注射液 Intejectio Tetrandrini
② 以研制者姓名加主要药的药名或功能来命名
万氏牛黄丸 Wan's Bolus of Calculus Bovi Stone
顾母理脏汤 Gumu's Decoction for Regulating Viscera
阴虚丸 Pills for Yin Asthenia
涤痰丸 Phlegm-Eliminating Pellet
③ 以药物产地来命名
天台乌药散 Powder of Tiantai Linderae
四磨饮 Decoction of Four-Drug juice
④ 以方剂主治病症来命名
疝气场 Decoction for Hernia
消风散 Powder for Dispersing Wind-Evil
⑤ 以方剂的形状、颜色来命名
紫雪丹 Purple-Snow Pellet
⑥ 以所含药物数加方剂的功能来译
五味消毒饮 Decoction of Five Drugs for Antiphlogosis
五仁丸 Bolus Containing Five Seeds
六一散 Six-to-One Powder
六味地黄丸 Pill of Six Drugs Containing Rehmanniae Praeparata
六君子汤(Decoction Containing Six Mild Drugs)。还有把六君子汤译成 Six Gentlemen Decoction 和 Six Noble Decoction 的,这是按字面上的意思所译,是不贴切的。实际上六君子汤中含有六味药,而此六味药都药性平和,宜译成mild drugs,使西方人容易理解。