
发布时间:2019-01-18 来源:中国财政部

“一带一路”建设旨在加强沿线国家的政策沟通、设施 联通、贸易畅通、资金融通、民心相通,促进经济要素有序 自由流动、资源高效配置和市场深度融合,共同打造开放、 包容、均衡、普惠的区域经济合作架构。资金融通是“一带一路”建设的重要支撑。为此,我们,阿根廷、白俄罗斯、柬埔寨、智利、中国、捷克、埃塞俄比亚、斐济、格鲁吉亚、希腊、匈牙利、印度尼西亚、伊朗、肯尼亚、老挝、马来西亚、蒙古、缅甸、巴基斯坦、卡塔尔、俄罗斯、塞尔维亚、苏丹、瑞士、泰国、土耳其、英国财长呼吁沿线国家政府、金融机构、企业共同行动,本着“平等参与、利益共享、风 险共担”的原则,推动建设长期、稳定、可持续、风险可控的融资体系。

The Belt and Road Initiative aims to promote policy coordination, facilities connectivity, unimpeded trade, financial integration and people-to-people exchange among the countries along the Belt and Road (hereinafter referred to as “countries involved”), promote orderly and free flows of economic factors, efficient allocation of resources and deep integration of markets, and jointly create an open, inclusive, and balanced regional economic cooperation framework that benefits all. Financial Integration is an important underpinning for implementing the Belt and Road Initiative. Therefore, we, Finance Ministers of Argentina, Belarus, Cambodia, Chile, China, Czech, Ethiopia, Fiji, Georgia, Greece, Hungary, Indonesia, Iran, Kenya, Laos, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Pakistan, Qatar, Russia, Serbia, Sudan, Switzerland, Thailand, Turkey, United Kingdom, call upon the governments, financial institutions  and companies from countries involved to follow the principles of equal-footed participation, mutual benefits and risk sharing as they work together to build a long-term, stable, sustainable financing system that is well-placed to manage risks.


1. We recognize that strong support from governments is essential for building an enabling financing system and environment. As such, governments of countries involved should strengthen policy communication, consolidate cooperation intention, and jointly send a positive signal of supporting and financing the development of the Belt and Road.

2.我们鼓励沿线国家建立共同平台,在促进本地区国别发展战略及投资计划对接的基础上,共同制定区域基础设施 发展战略或规划,确定重大项目识别和优先选择的原则,协调各国支持政策与融资安排,交流实施经验。

2. We encourage countries along the routes to establish common platform(s) whereby countries in the region, while forging synergies of their development strategies and investment plans, map out strategies or plans for regional infrastructure development, formulate principles for identifying and prioritizing major projects, coordinate their supporting policies and financing arrangements, and share experiences on implementation.


3.We support channeling of financial resources to serve the real economy of countries and regions involved, with priority given to such areas as infrastructure connectivity, trade and investment, industrial capacity cooperation, energy and energy efficiency, natural resources and SMEs.


4.We reaffirm the important role of infrastructure in sustainable economic and social development. We encourage countries involved to open public service markets as appropriate, while maintaining a sound and stable legal, policy and regulatory framework and develop public-private partnerships to channel funds and improve the efficiency and quality of infrastructure supply. We encourage the interested  parties to establish effective information flow between private sector and financial institutions which support sustainable development through financing infrastructure investments.

5.我们重视公共资金在规划、建设重大项目上的引领作用。我们将继续利用政府间合作基金、对外援助资金等现有公共资金渠道,协调配合其它资金渠道,共同支持“一带一 路”建设,包括加强沿线国家和地区在民生发展、人文交流等领域的交流合作。

5.We value the guiding role of public funds in planning and building major projects. We will continue to utilize existing public funding channels such as inter-governmental cooperation funds and foreign assistance funds, and coordinate with other funding channels to support the development of the Belt and Road, including strengthening cooperation in people’s welfare, people-to-people exchange among relevant countries and regions.

6.我们鼓励各国政策性金融机构、出口信用机构继续为 “一带一路”建设提供政策性金融支持。我们鼓励上述机构加强协调合作,通过贷款、担保、股权投资、联合融资等多种方式,发挥融资促进和风险分担作用。

6.We encourage policy financial institutions and export credit agencies of countries involved to continue offering policy financial support for the development of the Belt and Road. We also encourage these institutions to strengthen coordination and cooperation, and play their role in financing promotion and risk-sharing through various means such as loan, guaranty, equity investment, co-financing, etc.

7.我们呼吁开发性金融机构考虑为“一带一路”沿线国家提供更多融资支持和技术援助。我们鼓励多边开发银行和 各国开发性金融机构在其职责范围内通过贷款、股权投资、担保和联合融资及其他融资渠道等各种方式,积极参与“一带一路”建设,特别是跨境基础设施建设。我们支持多边开发银行与各国开发性金融机构加强协调合作,为沿线国家提供可持续性的融资、机构专有技术和融智服务。

7.We call upon development financial institutions to consider providing more financial support and technical assistance for countries involved. We encourage multilateral development banks and national development financial institutions to actively participate in the development of the Belt and Road within their mandates, particularly cross-border infrastructure construction through loan, equity investment, guaranty, co-financing, and other relevant financing channels. We support these institutions in strengthening of coordination and collaboration to provide sustainable financing, institutional know-how and consulting services to countries involved.

8.我们认识到市场机制在金融资源配置中应发挥决定性作用。我们期待商业银行、股权投资基金、保险、租赁和 担保公司等各类商业性金融机构为“一带一路”建设提供资 金及其他金融服务。我们欢迎养老基金、主权财富基金等长期机构投资者,在符合其机构职能的情况下视情积极参与,特别是参与基础设施建设。

8.We recognize the decisive role of the market in financial resources allocation. We envisage all types of commercial financial institutions such as commercial banks, equity funds as well as insurance, leasing, guarantee companies to provide funds and other financial services for the development of the Belt and Road. We welcome proactive participation of long-term institutional investors such as pension funds and sovereign wealth funds, in particular in the area of infrastructure development, as appropriate and subject to their institutional arrangements.

9.我们支持进一步发展本地与区域金融市场。我们欢迎发展沿线国家的本币债券市场和股权投资市场,以扩大长期 融资来源,并降低货币错配风险。

9.We support further development of local and regional financial markets. We welcome the development of local currency bond markets and equity markets in countries involved to diversify long-term financing sources and reduce currency mismatch risks.

10.我们支持金融市场的有序开放,并尊重有关国家可 能承担的国际义务。我们鼓励根据国情,在符合国内法律法规的前提下,逐步扩大银行、保险、证券等市场准入,支持金融机构跨境互设子公司和(或)分支机构,促进金融机构 设立申请与审批流程的便利化。

10.We support orderly opening-up of local and regional financial markets, while respecting the international obligations of the countries involved, if any. We encourage steady expansion of market access of banking, insurance and securities sectors as appropriate to national circumstances, support financial institutions to set up subsidiaries and/or branches in each other’s countries, and further facilitate the application and approval for the establishment of financial institutions, in accordance with domestic law and regulations of host countries.

11.我们鼓励基于“一带一路”建设需求和沿线国家需 求的金融创新。我们支持金融机构在风险可控前提下创新融 资模式、渠道、工具与服务。

11.We encourage financial innovation that responds to the needs of funding the development of the Belt and Road and to the needs of countries involved. We support the innovation by financial institutions in terms of financing models, channels, tools and service sunder the precondition that risks are well managed.


12.We call upon the countries involved to deepen cooperation in financial regulation and strengthen coordination on cross-border supervision, in order to create a fair, efficient and stable regulatory environment for financial institutions, while respecting the international obligations of the countries involved, if any.


13.We advocate for a transparent, friendly, non-discriminatory and predictable financing environment. We support greater openness to FDI as appropriate, speeding up trade and investment facilitation where needed, and opposing trade and investment protectionism of all forms. We advocate for fair, equitable, open and efficient legal systems, as well as mutual-beneficial and investor-friendly taxation regimes. We support the settlement of debt and investment disputes in a fair, lawful and reasonable way to effectively protect the legitimate rights and interests of creditors and investors.

14.我们强调应加强对融资项目社会环境影响的评价和 风险管理,重视节能环保合作,履行社会责任,促进当地就业,推动经济社会可持续发展。在动员资金时,应兼顾债务可持续性。

14.We underscore the need to strengthen social and environmental impact assessment and risk management of projects, improve cooperation on energy conservation and environmental protection, fulfill social responsibilities, promote local employment and ensure sustainable economic and social development. We also need to take into account debt sustainability in mobilizing finance.

15.我们认识到,“一带一路”建设的融资安排应惠及所 有企业和人群,支持可持续、包容性发展。应为提高科技能力、技术发展以及创造就业,特别是年轻人与妇女的就业提 供融资。我们积极支持推进普惠金融的努力,鼓励沿线国家 政府、政策性金融机构、开发性金融机构及商业性金融机构加强合作,努力让所有人享受金融信息和服务,并为中小企业提供适当、稳定、可负担的融资服务。

15.We recognize that financing arrangements for the development of the Belt and Road should benefit all businesses and populations in a way that supports sustainable and inclusive development. Financing should also be provided for enhancing technological capabilities, skills development, job creation particularly for the youth and women. We vigorously support efforts to promote inclusive finance, encourage governments, policy financial institutions, development finance institutions and commercial financial institutions to strengthen cooperation to ensure access to financial information and services for all, and provide proper, stable and affordable financial services for SMEs.

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