TranslationInterpretingLocalizationInternational Business Consulting

Website Localization

E-commerce has achieved rapid development. With the localization of websites, potential clients from different countries can have more convenient and efficient exchange and communication.Localization needs not only excellent translation skills, but also a good command of HTML, script language, image localization and functional test; moreover, a solution inclusive of multiple languages and dialects is required to build a bridge of information exchange for target clients. True localization shall take into account the language, culture, customs and properties of the target regional market, make the visitors easily view the localized website using their familiar language and increase the efficiency of information delivery.

Multimedia Localization

Many clients use multimedia including audio, video, animation, Adobe Flash or other ways to show their documents. Multimedia need to be duly localized and culturally improved before they are given out to the target audience. Multimedia localization is an integration of voice or video subtitle translation, dubbing, subtitle production, post production, etc.

Video Game Localization

Video game localization, or video game translation, refers to the translation of games from different countries into languages of other countries. Of course, this is not simply putting the language of the game into the target language, but the translated game shall conform to the habit of the people of the target country; moreover attention shall also be given to the local use of slangs.

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